Tuesday 9 July 2024

Tuesday evening, 09-07-24

Evening, everyone.  It's been a funny old day.
Last night really wasn't great.  I slept badly with those repetitive, surreal half dreams where you don't get anywhere and, for me, usually indicate a bit of a temperature.  I was achey all over and it just wasn't nice.
So I pulled out of Groove this morning but, shortly after, poor Lindsey sent a message round saying she was poorly, having been sick, so all groups and classes were cancelled today, bless her.  It doesn't sound like what I had but you never know.

I have taken the day out.  Reading, watching stuff, chilling and sleeping.  It's helped - I'm feeling a bit better now and, assuming a better night's sleep, should be more or less OK tomorrow morning
Later on, Lindsey messaged that she will be off again tomorrow.  I am glad - not that she's unwell, obviously, but that she is being wise and taking enough time to recover.  Selfishly, it also means I don't have to make a decision about personal training.

Thank you to Anonymous for the suggestion of multi size spikes in comments, what a brilliant idea.  

I'm going to sign off early so I can get to bed when I want to - It will be early, that is for sure.  Take care and sleep well.  xx


  1. I hope you're not coming down with something, Joy. Sending good wishes for a restful night xx

    1. Feeling loads better this morning, thanks, Sooze. The shivers have gone and things are settled again. xx

  2. Hope you feel better after a good night’s sleep and maybe some paracetamol in case of a fever. Catriona

    1. AFter my pill-fest with the tooth problem, I've been trying to keep off painkillers for a while and, thankfully, I'm feeling better without any. Phew. xx

  3. Strange that you and Lindsey both came down with some kind of bug at the same time. Hope you are both recovered after a couple of restful days.

    1. Yes. I don't know if one of us affected the other ar circuits on Monday, how can you tell? She is taking today off and I'm going to take it easy as well. xx

  4. Sorry to hear you're feeling unwell. Hope you feel better tomorrow!

    1. I do, thanks, SHaron. A good night's sleep definitely helps. xx

  5. Hope tomorrow finds you feeling much better, Joy. Take care!

    1. I will, Debbie, thank you. Definitely on the up again now. xx

    2. You’re welcome re the spikes. Do take care, I’m just getting over a long spell of covid, 21 days positive, which has left me with stubborn oral thrush! Both new experiences for me. And I had every jab! Bit of a resurgence I fear 😧 Barbara

    3. Oh, that really doesn't sound nice at all. Take care, Barbara and take the time you need to recover properly. That's an awful long time testing positive so will take more time to get back to strength. xx

  6. Have a restful night, Joy. Hope you feel all well tomorrow.

    1. Thanks, Nil. It was a much better night. xx

  7. I hope you're feeling better this morning. There are all sorts of odd bugs around at the moment.

    1. So I gather - maybe the poor weather has something to do with it. I don't know. Anyway - on the mend now so that's good. xx

  8. You seem to be able to recognise nice and quickly when you need to take things easy for the sake of your health. I guess at our ages it's about we knew our bodies ... and more importantly listened to them. I hope you are feeling much better now. xx

    1. I do and yes, definitely. All through my teaching time - most of my adult life - I taught through all sorts of stuff because that's what teacher do, regardless of how many one infects in the process. It is expected. Now - I don't have to so I'm not going to.
      I think Covid had a share in changing the whole 'work through it' thing too.
      Thanks, I really am. Just weary really, nothing that another good night won't solve. :-)

  9. Always need to listen to our bodies don't we....... glad you are feeling rested and well today.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Definitely! As we get older, it becomes more important not to waste or damage the time we have left, however long or short that may be. xx
