Sunday 7 July 2024

Sunday evening, 07-07-24 - bit photo heavy

Good evening, everyone.

I took a few photos this morning before the rain set in, a bit random but it shows how things are doing.

I don't have a lot of blueberries but they are ripening slowly.  Such a pretty colour, I always think.  
I don't have many tomato plants in pots this year, just five.  They're doing OK but the ones in the bed are doing better (see below).  The cucumbers seem to be loving life although I see some brown leaves I need to remove, I think.

The blueberry is on the right and you can see it isn't a particularly 'strong' bush but it's started sending out new growth from the bottom which is encouraging.

I always have some lavender.  Colour and aroma can't be surpassed, I think.  I'd love a whole hedge but there's no room for a hedge!
These have been livening up my salads and, when they're all grown out, there's another pot of them coming along.
When I cut some this evening, I noticed some are starting to flower.
After a slow start, the runners are coming along well.  I am still concerned that there's not enough depth in the pots and that the flower heads will drop off without beaning.  Time will tell!
And after a speedy start, the dwarf beans have been very slow and there's been a sad lack of germination.  I looked on the packet today and it said plant by 2024 which I failed to notice when I bought it.  I guess they are just old seeds.  I've tried again for the last time and popped three more seeds in the gap and we will see.

They are so slow and don't look happy though.

I have so many Japanese anemone buds; they are going to look a picture in a few weeks or so.


And finally - more tomato news.

The tumbling Toms are doing so well - just look at all that potential fruit!!  There are some babies but they don't show very well - too much camouflage at the moment.

One of them will give red tomatoes and one orange.

Coming along nicely.
The ones in the bed look very happy, don't they?

So there we go - everything seems to be coming along nicely enough and it's just a case of keeping an eye on things for a while now - and feeding them.  Normally I feed on Saturdays at this time of the season but not yesterday, obviously, and they really don't need watering today.  Maybe I will throw on some slow release pellets - yes, I'll do that.  Better than nothing.

And finally - here's a couple of photos of  - let's call them blanket hoodies, OK?  Found using Google Images
You can get them plain or patterned, 'Oodie' brand or other, shorter like this or long - my long one is down to mid calf and it's lovely to tuck myself into it in my comfy chair.
They are definitely indoor wear, fleecy inside and soft and fluffy outside with a front pocket and I guess their current popularity owes a lot to the cost of living and fuel crises in recent years.  I know it's saved me money, keeping me warm so I don't need to turn on the heating.
Mine are cheaper ones, definitely not the 'Oodie' brand as they tend to be a bit expensive but, to be fair, they are probably much better quality and warmer.

Night, everyone.  I hope you have had a lovely day.  xx


  1. Wow-your tomatoes are going to be very plentiful just shortly. We had on and off rain today again. We have finally finished emptying our loft with lots of things given away on FB or to friends. I feel really pleased and ready to start on the wardrobe that needs to be moved for the double glazing to go in on 26th/27th July. Catriona

    1. I do hope so. A flavoursome tomato is just about the best thing ever. I eat them like sweets, especially those cherry ones.
      Congratulations on sorting out your loft - no easy matter, I am sure. xx

  2. Very healthy tomato plants. I have to say, despite our heat, your vegetables are way ahead of here!

    1. My garden is quite sheltered, I think. Perhaps that helps. xx

  3. Thanks for the blanket hoodie pictures Joy. Now I understand. x

    1. :-) They are so very useful. I love mine. xx

  4. Beautiful garden photos. Things are really starting to grow!
    I have one of those blanket hoodies, great for snuggling up in winter. I don't have the brand name one, I got an off-brand and found it for quite cheap at an Amazon resale shop. Definitely worth the money!

    1. Very definitely. Mine are cheapies too and they're fine. They wash well too, although the fleece clumps a bit. It doesn't stop it warming me up though. xx

  5. Your garden is coming along nicely. Now that we are getting some heat ours is doing so much better.

    God bless.

    1. That's good. It's so very frustrating when grpwth is so slow. xx

  6. Your garden looks lovely and everything is growing really well. OH planted beans here but we had so much rain I think they have rotted as they didn't sprout. It's not very warm here in Devon UK and we're forecast more rain for the week. Hoping August will be better.

    1. That's a good point. Maybe that's what happened to some of my dwarf beans too. Goodness knows, it has been wet enough round here.
      My fingers are crossed for August too although, having said that, we have sunshine at the moment (6:45 am)
      The forecast isn't great but looks as if I am safe to get some washing out first thing to dry while I am at circuits. Here's hoping. xx

  7. Lots of lovely produce in your garden. It's so encouraging. Our tomatoes are just beginning to produce fruit.
    I love lavender but it just fails in our garden.

    1. That' a great shame. Is it the soil? xx

  8. Our tomatoes are nowhere near fruiting yet, only just flowering, they were very slow to get going. Our courgettes are now fruiting every day, as courgettes do! The mini cucumbers are producing too, and the young carrots are plentiful and scrumptious. No flowers on our potatoes this year, oddly - having said that, our neighbours have just dug up their first ones at their allotment - they also had no flowers, but quite a lot of first early spuds dug up. xx

    1. Might it be because it has been too wet? WHo knows! Hopefully, you will have lovely potatoes, flowers or no flowers. xx

  9. French beans have been slow to start this year but are showing promise now. I've got another batch started so there's a succession. I bet your blanket thingy has been useful during the cooler weather.

    1. OIh, it really has.
      Thanks for the info re beans - I'll see how it goes. xx

  10. Lots of lovely things happening in your garden. The cucumbers have done really well for you. My beans are not happy this year although peas are better. The parasol looks great but it would be nice to actually be able to use it. Lets hope rain clears up and we have a sunny rest of the month.
    Glad your tooth finally got sorted. Hope it stays that way.

    1. It makes me smile - I get a sunshade and the rain comes. Typical!!
      Interesting that your beans aren't doing that well either.
      It's lovely to have absolutely no pain and the be able to eat/drink really hot and really cold stuff without repercussion. xx

  11. Lovely garden pics.
    I do have an Oodie ( as oppose to a copy - a Xmas present ) but I think they all do the same great job, in fact once or twice in the winter I was too warm in it. Hard to beat curling up in a favourite armchair, Oodie snuggled with book or telly.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. What a super Christmas present . . . Interesting that it was almost too good. xx

  12. PS I forgot to say I requested an Oodie on your recommendation, so thank you Joy x
    Alison x

    1. It was a pleasure, I'm glad it has been good. xx
