Monday 1 July 2024

Monday evening, 01-07-24

Evening, everyone.  June is over, July has arrived and the weather seems to be turning.  To be fair, it's been quite nice for most of the day.

We even had some sunshine this morning.

However, as the day went on, it got gloomier and cloudier and the washing took longer to dry than it should have.  Not to worry - the egg chair is covered over again now, the washing line is away, the clothes are dry and ironed and a bit of rain would be good for the garden, for sure.

Tomorrow is Dentist Day.  To make sure I hadn't forgotten (fat chance of that!), the surgery phoned me this morning to remind me - or, as they put it, a courtesy call, etc.  Anyway, the bad tooth seems to have given up for now.  Saturday afternoon was pretty horrible, yesterday there was one short spell of ouchiness and today, hardly a twinge.  It was such a relief not not have to pop the pills; I have had far too many in recent days.

Apart from the washing, I enjoyed circuits first thing (in the sunshine) and downstairs is as clean as it is ever going to be.  I even tidied up my desk and did a fair bit of filing stuff away.  I always mean to keep up to date with paperwork but . . .

Have you had sun, cloud or rain today?

Time to shut down and chill for the evening so I will, as dear Diane used to say, love you and leave you.  See you tomorrow.  xx


  1. It's been mostly cloudy and really quite chilly here today. Someone obviously forgot to tell the weather gods it's the 1st July! I hope the dentist visit goes well tomorrow and sorts out the ouchy tooth. xx

    1. lol - Maybe they did. It's the same here right now (half six Tuesday morning) - not that nice but no rain so can't complain. xx

  2. Rainy today but it has freshened the garden. Good luck at the dentist! Catriona

    1. Thanks, Catriona. At least I know what he is going to do - just a filling. xx

  3. It's been rainy here today, but on the bright side I didn't need to water the garden.
    The sun came out this evening and it was rather lovely for a while. It's funny how that often happens late in the day.
    I hope everything goes well tomorrow. Xx

    1. It is, yes. Often, it seems to dull over a bit around midday and the afternoon is a bit cloudy before the sun emerges late afternoon. Not sure why that is but I bet there's a reason. xx

  4. It rained last night, but it is all warm and sunny today.
    I hope the visit to the dentist goes well.

    1. That's perfect - rain at night, sun during the day. Please so send some over. ;-) xx

  5. I'm glad you're getting the tooth checked out. You'll be glad you did once it's fixed.

    1. Oh, I really will. I don't usually look forward to visiting the dentist but today . . . I'll be hammering on their door by quarter to eleven, for sure. xx

  6. Cloud in the morning, rain in the afternoon, and sunshine this evening. I am happy you are getting the tooth looked after.

    God bless.

    1. That's a really mixed bag of weather. Rain is so good for the garden though, isn't it? We just don't need too much of it. :-) xx

  7. If yesterday was an indicator of the weather we can expect in July, there's no chance of a heatwave - or even any sun.

    1. < sigh > I think you may be right. We usually get some really nice weather before the schools break up and then it all shuts down a bit. Maybe last week was our summer this year. xx

  8. It was cloudy with some rain here but then I had tried to put the washing out on the line. Hope the tooth is sorted now x

  9. The answer to your question ... "Have you had sun, cloud or rain today?", is YES!! All three ... and although the rain won after an hours sunshine first thing and the clouds rolled in it seems the sun is trying valiantly to fight back. The forecast says to expect rain later this afternoon. I'm giving up on Summer, I keep thinking of all my lovely woolly jumpers packed away and dreaming of getting them out again.
