Wednesday 19 June 2024

Wednesday morning, 19-06-24

Morning, everyone.  Really sorry again for last night's non appearance.  I'm getting very tired in the evenings at the moment and it might be connected with the hay fever.  After several years of only having it very lightly, this year it's back with a vengeance and it seems that when it's been worse, I am more tired in the evenings.
Anyway, apologies and thank you for bearing with me.

Things are getting a bit exciting on the vegetable front!

Baby tomatoes!!  Three of them in this photo but there are others.  All of a sudden, there they are.  It'll be a while, of course, before they are ready to pick but this current spell of warm sunshine should help quite a bit.
Baby cucumbers too.  After pinching out several male flowers, the ladies have decided to come along.  These may not mature, of course, they may drop off, but I got ridiculously excited all the same.

The babies are all on one plant at the moment.  The other has produced flowers by the dozen (almost) but all male.
And the runner beans are coming along well.  I'm sure you think I bang on about the runners far too much but they remind me so much of Mum and Dad.  They always grew a couple of double rows of beans each year and handed the over abundance out around the neighbourhood and to any family who chanced along!  There was always a box of them at the back of the church on Sunday mornings too.  It was only in the last few years of their lives that they didn't grow any runner beans.
I have neither the space nor the inclination to grow so many but, all the same, they bring back happy memories and there should be enough produce to share with Beth and Alex and, perhaps, with Chris.  They freeze reasonably well too.

On the other hand, the dwarf beans have just stopped.  Not sure why apart from having been nibbled a bit (I've sprayed them now) so I say encouraging things to them, I've sown a few more seeds and hope.
The blueberries are getting bigger.  There's not many, just eight little clusters, but they will taste great.
The strawberries are coming to an end but I've had several pickings and they have been great this year.  I will need to peg down the runners to get babies this year.  Usually I just try to cut most of them off.

Yesterday was one of those busier days.
Chris and I walked down to Groove, enjoyed the session - well, I did and I am sure Chris did too - and walked back again, chatting nineteen to the dozen.
After breakfast, I drove over to Beth's (she has the week off) and, while she and Alex sorted through several boxes of 'stuff', I shredded two boxfuls of very old and unwanted paperwork.  Shredding is quite relaxing really, I find.
Then it was back home again and into school for my other Governor's meeting, this time with the Sendco.  There was a lot more to talk about so it took rather longer.  Now I have two reports to write.  Ho hum.  Well, they won't get done today - or tomorrow!

Maybe it's not surprising I was tired, what with all that and hay fever.

Today is also full but should be nice.  Diane is coming over and we are going to have a girly morning in town.  I may spend but I will try not to spend too much.  I did have that appointment with the dental hygienist but I've rescheduled that now.  Finally, there's the usual personal training session with Lindsey which should ensure a good night's sleep.  Hope so, because I am out tomorrow.  But that's a story for tonight.

I hope you have slept well and today is wonderful for you.  Stay safe, remember the sunblock and the water, and see you this evening (I hope).  xx


  1. Hay fever is a devil - not something I suffer from, but my father always had what he called 'a summer cold' - that was before hay fever was identified, I think.

    1. I thought it was a cold at first - when I was in my thirties and first started getting it. The only available meds then caused drowsiness but a non drowsy one came out the following year and after that several others . . . xx

  2. I normally only get hayfever early in Spring, but it's been quite bad the past couple of weeks, both husband and I are suffering. Although our antihistamines are, allegedly, non-drowsy ones, they do seem to make me sleepy - those and the 3 or 4x daily painkillers I'm currently taking. How nice to have a girly morning in town, enjoy yourselves (I'm sure you will!) xx

    1. It could be a mix of the above, couldn't it? Hopefully it will all subside in the near future. xx

  3. Yes, agreed the hay fever is particularly bad this year and I'm wondering if it's why I've been feeling tired all the time. But everything is so green and lovely and it's finally warming up so that feels positive. Enjoy the rest of your day.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. It could very well ve, I think. Hoping we all feel loads better very quickly. xx

  4. Several colleagues are experiencing worse than usual hay-fever symptoms this year. I hope you don't suffer too badly with it. Those tomatoes are looking promising. Xx

    1. Thanks, Jules. They are looking exciting, I think. I love it when the fruit starts to show. Happy times. xx
