Tuesday 25 June 2024

Tuesday evening, 25-06-24

Evening, everyone.  It's been a bit of a scorcher here today but not too hot to do some washing, line drying and ironing.  I love the smell of ironed line dried clothes and bedding.
I also washed my oodies and they are now away.  I doubt I will need them again until the autumn (fingers crossed).

Chris and I walked down to Groove in a really pleasant little breeze.  Ditto back again afterwards.  The actual class was very hot and sweaty and one had to focus on the fact that it was good for one!!
Once back, the day just passed doing the usual stuff.  I didn't clean upstairs so have that to do tomorrow and I'm not sure I can stay awake to watch Sewing Bee - not to worry, it's on iPlayer anyway.

I now have my fans out, one in the living room and one in my bedroom so that should keep me comfortable tonight.
How has it been your way?

All the best, everyone, sweet dreams to us all.  Remember to up your fluid intake at the moment.  xx


  1. Final craft class for two months-we were melting in the clammy weather today. Time to have a good clear out of supplies and get ready to think about Christmas Crafts. Catriona

    1. Phew - I bet you were. I suppose it is the time to start planning Christmas activities bit it sounds very weird, doesn't it? xx

  2. After the storm on Sunday night, it has been so humid. I am almost hoping for rain tonight, but no hail this time around.

    God bless.

    1. Over here, one expects a storm to clear the air - hopefully it will freshen up again soon for you. xx

  3. Much fresher here today than last week. We had a short storm this afternoon but now there's a good breeze so the humidity has moved off. All the windows open!

  4. Nice to have a bit of warmer weather! It's been quite hot here. We do have a window air conditioner and it has been on. I don't do well when it gets really hot! It makes me sleepy

    1. It is nice to not feel cold, I agree. One of the many things I miss about my parents is that their home had proper air con in living room and their bedroom - sheer bliss in the hot weather. When I had the extension built, I did consider air con but there was nowhere it would go really. A shame but there you are!
      It makes me sleepy too. xx

  5. The weather is supposed to break tomorrow, so make the most of it. I find weather forecasts quite unreliable and always look for the most attractive - they vary quite a bit!

    1. Chuckle - well, whatever they say, what will be will be. xx

  6. Warm here today but not unpleasantly so. Our big fan is now in situ ready for any sudden heatwaves 😄
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Better ready than not, eh. I love my fans. xx

  7. It's been lovely and warm here; just the right temperature and with a gentle breeze. X

    1. Today (Thursday) is beautiful here too. That breeze makes all the difference in the world. xx
