Tuesday 11 June 2024

Tuesday evening, 11-06-24

Hello, everyone.  It's turned all damp outside after a dry but rather chilly day.  I've been wearing a winter jumper and felt just comfortable, no more.

It was the first Groove class of the new block this morning and a couple of the routines were a big blast from the past - anyone remember Do Wah Diddy Diddy by Manfred Mann and the Swinging Blue Jeans' Hippy Hippy Shake?   Great fun all found.

A little while later I found my adulting hat and set off for the dentist.  This time it was an extremely good looking young man - he looked young enough to have just left school but he was a 'doctor' by title so he couldn't have been.  He was very, very nice, very gentle, very reassuring and I no longer have a painfully sharp edge.  OK, I still have an edge but it's rounded off and doesn't hurt in the least bit, thank goodness.
The only treatment I need is that tooth and he reckons a filling is all that is needed.  There's a bit of decay there but no hint of infection and, as it is sensitive, the nerve is still good.
Everything else is in good nick which is nice to know at my age.

I have an appointment for the beginning of July!

An annoying thing is that my internet connection/equipment/something is causing issues.  It all went down this morning, then it came back up again but while my desktop has connection fine, my laptop, my kindle and my phone don't recognise any connection.  That's a real nuisance - the phone is OK with 4G or whatever it is called, but I can only get YouTube and iPlayer on desktop and phone, not on smart TV, laptop or Kindle.
They said see if it is back tomorrow and get back in touch if it isn't.  Hmmm . . .

I just hope the connection to the desktop stays OK or I will be annoyed.

Anyway - there won't be a post tomorrow in any case because I am swanning off to London in the afternoon, to the Royal Albert Hall to see Swan Lake.  I'm so, so looking forward to it and I'll tell you all about it on Thursday.
Until than, have a lovely Wednesday and Thursday, stay safe and have fun.  xx


  1. Glad your tooth has been made comfortable. Enjoy your day out and hope you have a good journey there and back. Catriona

    1. Thanks. I'm really looking forward to it - and using my new day trip jolly bag. It is just one pick up and one drop off and there's a loo on the coach so the worst that can happen is traffic, vI hope. There's plenty of time allowed for that.

  2. How wonderful that your tooth has been looked after. I go for a cleaning on Monday of next week. Enjoy Swan Lake.

    God bless.

    1. It's a great relief. They made an appt with the hygienist but I had to reschedule because it clashed so have to wait until September now. No worries, it isn't an emergency. Hope your cleaning goes really well. xx

  3. Have a lovely day out.
    Younger dentists seem to be much nicer than all the older ones I had to go to many years ago

    1. It helps that anaesthesia is so much more sophisticated. Perhaps they had to come over tough because they knew it was going to hurt. And I guess there's a better understanding of 'mental wellbeing' nowadays. But yes, they really do. xx

  4. Dentists today have a much better rapport with patients than they had years ago. There is still that atavistic fear, though.

    1. What I said to Sue and, yes, that fear does still remain. It's also to do with 'messing about' in one's mouth, so close to vision and hearing, right inside your personal space. Just not nice really. xx

  5. I'm glad your appointment with the dentist went well. Enjoy the performance! Xx

    1. I did, thanks, it was absolutely fantastic xx

  6. Glad that tooth is sorted. My friend had identical trouble with her Internet last week.

    1. Annoying for her. Mine is sorted now - they sent me some instructions, I followed them and yes!!! I hope hers is OK now too xx

  7. Glad your dentist appointment went well.
    Enjoy your trip.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Thanks, Alison. I don't care much for dental stuff but the alternatives are worse. :-) xx
