Sunday 23 June 2024

Sunday evening, 23-06-24

Evening, one and all.  It has been a gorgeous day here, so warm and sunny.  I can almost hear the plants cheering in the sunshine.

This evenings photos are the runner beans which are going great guns now and will be climbing round the canes soon . . .
. . . and the little pot of mixed leaves before I thinned them out.  I had the thinnings in my lunchtime salad, feeling very gastro-posh.  They were nice too with some flavour despite their smallness and newness.  It will be so very nice to pick my mixed leaves for my salads soon.

I also got round to planting out some bedding dahlias, a nicotiana something-or-other and some foxgloves that Val gave me.  I know they are invasive and with poisonous seeds but I do like them and never had them when the children were little - and I include Alex in that.  So I have only just got round to it.  I was chatting to Val when we were at the garden centre saying I would like to look for some plants and she said she had loads coming along so she would give me some.  Very kind.
She brought them round on Thursday and now they are in the middle bed and we will see.

I had intended to try and last out without going shopping this week but I just had to as the
 salad and veg stuff was pretty much all used up.  I popped round to Morrisons first thing and now I'm well stocked!
I did the gardening I had planned and I popped over to Beth and Alex with the box of washing/ironing so that's all done.

There's been a bit of toothache today but, actually, not nearly as much as yesterday, so it seems to be easing off.  One good thing - it has stopped me nibbling between meals, even at fruit, in case it starts up again.   Nine days to go before it gets sorted.

Well, that's about it so I will get this posted and then start the evening wind down.  I hope we all have a great night's sleep.  Sweet dreams to you all.  xx


  1. I would love to have some foxgloves in the garden, but have always avoided them, for the same reason :)
    I hope your toothache stays manageable, and doesn't get any worse for you. Xx

    1. They are lovely flowers, aren't they? I'm glad I've got some not and here's hoping they take OK.
      And thank you. I hope this isn't Famous Last Words but it seems to be calming down a bit now. xx

  2. Our garden is finally getting some much needed sun which will surely help things grow. I will definitely have to water tomorrow if we don't get rain tonight.

    God bless.

    1. I've been watering for a while now. That's the issue with plants in containers - they do need more watering. Maybe you will get some rain overnight. Hope so. xx

  3. Nice to see the beans coming on. It's amazing how quickly annual plants grow - so much to pack into such a short period.

    1. The energy is amazing, isn't it. All that power in one tiny bean. xx

  4. You are having much more success with beans than I am this year. Wishing you lots of tender sweet crops.
    I do hope the tooth issue is manageable until you can get it properly fixed. Take care and have a good day x

    1. Thanks - the runners are great but the dwarf beans - not so good. Maybe I need to talk nicely to them.
      It is manageable, thanks. It has its moments, like this morning, but basic painkillers sort it out which is a relief because that means it isn't an infection.
      I am eating VERY carefully!! :-) xx
