Saturday 29 June 2024

Saturday evening, 29-06-24

Evening, everyone.  Hasn't it been a beautiful day today?
It started with a coffee and book in the garden before driving over to Writtle Tea Rooms to meet the others for our occasional meander - not into town from Tower Gardens to the coffee shop and back again but through country pathways around the back of Writtle College.  It was really lovely.  Warm, sunny, not too hot . . . just perfect.
I took some photos so here they are.  No comments, just the photos.

We had our refreshments outside under a sunshade.  I really enjoyed my sparkling water with ice and lemon - most refreshing.  However my tooth is a sensitive bunny and, even though I was careful, It started off after a while.   It didn't help that the pollen count was astronomical and, despite the meds, I was sneezy and bunged up.  All together now - aaaaaaahhhhhhh.
Never mind - only two and a half days to go.  Woo hoo!

I slept part of the afternoon away which was lovely.  It's not been too hot, just very pleasant, a perfect summer day (apart from the pollen).

How has your day been this fine Saturday?

Nighty night, everyone.  Sleep well and wake refreshed.  See you tomorrow.  xx


  1. What a lovely walk! Especially in the sunshine. Although I'm sorry your tooth has been painful, I hope it didn't spoil your day too much.
    It's been a restful day for me, as it's been quite the week, and I'm feeling exhausted. Just three weeks to go. Xx

    1. Yes, indeed - not long although I remember how it felt like eternity. You'll get there and then - freedom!! xx

  2. I slept very late this morning thanks to some paracetamol after shingles jab 2. Some crafting goodies arrived from online and I had a little play with some Christmas stencils. Stir fried chicken and veg for dinner and a white Biscoff lolly for dessert. Catriona

    1. That sounds like a lovely day. I love crafting goodies! xx

  3. The high pollen count is affecting me also, I'm sneezy and have itchy eyes. Never mind, at least it's nice weather - dry and not too hot, just right. Sleep well Joy xx

    1. Yes, it is, it's gorgeous. The rest will go at some point.
      I'm sorry you are suffering too. xx

  4. Cold and wet here today. Hope that tooth is feeling better

    1. Cold and wet? Oh, dear. Mind you, wet is great for the garden.
      I gave up in the end and took some co codamol and it seems to have settled again, thanks. I must just be careful. xx

  5. Rained here all morning (the garden needed a drink!) but drying up now. I think you need that tooth seen to. Life's too short to suffer with that kind of discomfort!

    1. I do, yes. The appointment is on Tuesday so not long to wait now.
      I'm glad the rain was what the garden needed. Much better than watering it yourself. xx

  6. Lovely walk for you. Sorry about the tooth problems. Here it is cool, but at least it is sunny for a change. I have some things in the dehydrator, and I am sewing mittens together.

    God bless.

    1. Cool and sunny sounds delightful!
      It sounds like you have a productive day! xx

  7. Ah, what lovely pictures. So sorry to hear the tooth is causing such grief! Toothache is awful!
    I like the Writtle tearooms- they do tasty food there!x

    1. It is a nuisance but I can see the end of it so can't complain really (even if I do!!). Yes, it's a nice place to have coffee/lunch/whatever and the walk was great - through the college, beside Cow Watering Lane (I love that name) for a while and then back towards Writtle again. Not a long walk and, of course, it's very flat round here, but enjoyable.

  8. Lovely photos. I like the dedication the bench. I always read them when I walk past. Hope the tooth feels better soon. Not sure if you use it, but sometimes using mouthwash helps

    1. I found it very moving and most unexpected - I mean finding a bench there was unexpected. I do have some mouthwash so thanks - I will give it a go if needed. xx

  9. What a lovely walk you had. You earned your afternoon nap.

    1. It really was and, yes, I was ready for a relaxing snooze. One of the many perks of solo living - you can snooze when you fancy! :-)

  10. Lovely photos.
    Alison in Wales x

  11. Great photos. Looks like a lovely walk especially in the sunshine.

    1. It was. Not too hot and with a fresh breeze. Perfect. xx
