Saturday 8 June 2024

Saturday evening, 08-06-24

Good evening, all.  Had a nice day?

It's been good round here.  For a start, the weather was pleasant.  Sunny morning and afternoon although it did cloud over around lunchtime.

I met up with Beth and we headed off into town, first of all to the Cotswold shop to have a good look at the bedroom furniture Beth really liked.  She took some samples of flooring too and, after a lot of discussion and trying things against other things, she made some decisions and a very pleasant lady priced it all up for Beth and discussed all sorts of related stuff with her.  
This is the range she's choosing from:
The furniture looked really nice against the walls so Beth found out what colour the walls were painted and that, I think, is what she is going for.  It's callen ammonite and is a Farrow and Ball paint, although she might see if there's a Dulux match.

Then we headed into John Lewis where we spent a most enjoyable half an hour in the Jo Malone area where Beth very kindly treated me to some perfume, the English pear and freesia scent which is very pleasant - very light and summery.  So very kind of her.
Then we went up to the cafe where I treated her to a cheese scone (hardly fair exchange but never mind) while I was very good and had a black coffee and the apple I had brought with me.

After a trip to Tesco to get some stuff for tomorrow, we headed off back to Beth's and then I came home.  It was all lovely and mother/daughter-ish and we both really enjoyed the time.

And that was the day over, more or less.  I still haven't watched Sewing Bee so that's a pleasure for tomorrow.

And, finally . . . 
dwarf beans     6
runner beans    8
Yes, really!

Good night, everyone, sleep well and have a lovely day tomorrow . . .  xx


  1. Sounds like the perfect day, and that perfume sounds just lovely.

    God bless.

    1. It was a very pleasant day indeed. Yes, it is gorgeous and will be my go-to for the next little while, I think. xx

  2. Nice to have made some decisions. Farrow and Ball look-alikes - or mix-alikes - are perfectly fine.

    1. They absolutely are. She is getting closer to making a decision about it all now. Exciting. xx
