Saturday 1 June 2024

Saturday evening, 01-06-04

Good evening.  It may have been a very dull day today but no rain (yet) and definitely not as windy so the oodie is on but the heating is off!

It's been a fair old busy day but really nice busy.
First thing I did my first shop of the month, to Sainsbury's.  It's not the cheapest place but they do things I can't find elsewhere and some of the things on my list were Aldi price matched which helped.  It was a big, ouchy shop but some things are now set up for the whole month (like baked beans, chopped tomatoes, etc) and the fridge is pleasingly full again.
It took ages to sort out and put away but I hate leaving it so got it done before having breakfast.

Then I got a message from Beth - would I like to come window shopping, looking at paint, flooring and furniture.  Ooooh, yes, please, said I so off we went.  Several shops and about three hours later, we came home, Beth loaded with brochures and samples of this, that and the other while I came back with three little paint swatches.

I've never had lunch at five o'clock before.  :-)

So dinner will be later than usual, after I have watched Doctor Who.  It's all made apart from cooking the spaghetti so it will be easy. 

The Broomfield Coach Trip newsletter came through and - surprise - I have booked another one.  Not until November, it is a trip to the Musical Museum and looks really interesting.  Also included is a concert and an afternoon tea.

I'll get this sent now and then I can snuggle down with a coffee in front of the telly in anticipation of being amused, a bit scared or somewhat mystified (or all three).  
Have a great evening and sleep well.  xx

Later edit.  The sun came out - just in time to go down!  Better late than never, I guess.  xx


  1. How exciting to go sample gathering with Beth. It will be lovely that she can have her home exactly how she wants. Catriona

    1. It really was such fun. I'm so happy that she is having such a good time planning it all. xx

  2. We've had another lovely sunny day, it seems the best weather at the moment is in the west, for a change! I'm off next week for curtains to go with the new sofa and chair, we'll get them in July.

    1. That sounds nice - I've been looking thoughtfully at my curtains but they will have to do me for now . . . :-) xx

  3. Gathering samples is always great fun and something you and Beth will look back on with a great deal of fondness.

    God bless.

    1. Yes, I am sure we will. We really enjoyed it. xx

  4. That sounds wonderful. It's great that you found a price match. I shop mostly at Aldi; I love their prices.

    1. I use Aldi quite a bit but different shops are good for different things so I use others too. It's good when an item has a price match - a bit of competition never hurt the customer! xx

  5. We had a lovely day yesterday and did a lot of garden tidying - very satisfying.

    1. That sounds lovely - As you say, satisfying. SO lovely to look out on it all the next day too. xx

  6. Glad you and Beth had a fun time picking up samples for her to choose colours for her flat. An exciting time. Your latest trip looks interesting and a perfect day for you to enjoy in November.

    1. We have had a lot of fun, that's for sure. xx
