Saturday 11 May 2024

Saturday evening, 11-05-24

Good evening, everyone.
I had a rotten night's sleep last night.  I woke before midnight and couldn't get back to sleep.  Outside was the show of the decade and I had no idea . . . I turned the lights on and read for ages.  Aaaarrrggghhh.
We might get some more Northern Lights overnight, they say - fingers crossed.

I did finally get to sleep but today has been a bit of a dozy day.  I did a bit of housework, some cooking, some reading, I watched the new Doctor Who.  Just a quiet Saturday really.  

It was lovely and warm and sunny though.  A perfect day from the weather point of view.   It's due to change soon but fingers are crossed for tomorrow at least.

I'm not watching Eurovision, it's really not my thing.  I will find something else to enjoy instead and try to stay awake until it gets dark.
Fingers crossed.

Did you catch the show and did you get any good photos?  xx


  1. I was just the same as you Joy , didn't realise this was going on until it was all over - shucks! Still it's been nice looking at other folks pics of the event.
    Eurovision - yuk, can't stand it 😉😂
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Yes, it has. I've seen some stunning photos.I used to watch Eurovision when it was more about the songs . . . and that's a fair old time ago now. xx

  2. I'd heard about the Northern lights but we are a bit further south than you and it was overcast anyway. Enjoy your nice weather - it's still a bit chilly here!

    1. That's a shame but there's plenty of footage out there.
      It looks lovely again today but the forecast for Tuesday looks absolutely horrendous!! Oh, well, it will fill up the water butt. xx

  3. We kept looking to see the lights and were unable to for some reason. I hope it is true that we can glimpse them tonight as well.

    God bless.

    1. I couldn't round here - not when I was looking anyway. :-) xx

  4. Travelling back from Yorkshire on Friday so wasn't aware, woke up at 11.00 pm on the chair, emptied dinner plate still on my lap and TV on!!! Glass of wine not drunk. Don't think I could see it from my house, I look north-west/north on one side from my livingroom and didn't notice anything. My Niece in Switzerland had the most amazing views from her balcony. xx

    1. Very much pot luck, wasn't it? I gather it was pretty amazing round here, judging by photos taken locally but elsewhere - nothing much. xx

  5. I didn't see them (my street is in a bit of a dip) but lots of local folk higher up did. There are some fab photos on FB etc of the castle and Wallace Monument with the lights above them :-) xxx

    1. That sounds amazing. Nice to see them second hand anyway. xx

  6. I thought we were too far south to see the Aurora Borealis, but it was visible in Berkshire, though we didn't actually manage to see it. The sun's spectacular actions occur every 21 years or so.

    1. I didn't know that. So - just maybe . . . but I can't even imagine being 93. xx

  7. We were asleep so missed the aurora show! Very clammy here today so don’t have much enthusiasm for much. Catriona

    1. Clammy is not nice. It's just been warm here and rather lovely. xx
