Thursday, 30 March 2023

Thursday, 30-03-23

 Morning, one and all, and welcome to Thursday!  It was beautifully sunny earlier on, really lovely, but the clouds rolled over and it has started to rain which is such a shame.

Yesterday was all change.

Lindsey got back to me saying she couldn't do the afternoon PT session (I had cancelled it, if you remember, because I thought I'd be having a spa day) but why not come to her morning small group circuits session?  So I did.  It was nice to meet a new group of people and the actual session was as good as they always are (in other words, excellent).

A bit later, I set off for Beth's, totally missing the message she had sent to me saying don't come because she was feeling very rough (but not Covid-rough).  So I turned up to find her in bed with anxious cats prowling around (they always know, don't they).  Poor old Beth.  I think she's picking up a bit now.

After lunch, Alex turned up, having gone to the library in town to do his copying.  We went through some things together and I suggested he consider buying his own printer.  My new one should be arriving today, hopefully.  It's not as 'big' as the defunct one but it has reasonable reviews that say it's fine, basically.  The ink is expensive but I won't be needing it all that much really and it's reliable.  Importantly, it scans and copies.
I'm not looking forward to setting it up - it's not as simple and plugging it in and connecting it to the box nowadays, is it - but if I follow the instructions it should be OK and there's usually idiot instructions online, if needed.

Once Alex had left, I had a time of calm which ended when I went to the governors' meeting.  I'm so glad I got the training done - we are now 100% OFSTED compliant.  Did you know that if even one governor is out of date with their safeguarding training, the whole school can fail and be deemed unsatisfactory?  That's how stupid OFSTED is.
I'm not saying safeguarding isn't important; of course it is, it is absolutely crucial but . . . one governor?

When I went to the meeting, the skies were clear and it was mild so I didn't take a coat.  You can guess the rest - the heavens opened half way through and I got quite damp running back to the car.  Oh, well . . .

Today, I woke with a start at around half seven.  I haven't slept that late for absolutely ages.  Not a good thing when the builders are arriving to start the work at the front.  So I whizzed through bath and getting dressed and came down just in time.  As I started making coffee, the van turned up!
They've been drilling loudly (I have apologised to the neighbours) but it has all gone quiet now because it's raining.

I'll be going over to Chris for out Thursday coffee and chat soon and then Val is coming for lunch.  I look forward to seeing her and having a good old chat.  The rest of the day is my own so I will get the house cleaner-ready for tomorrow and enjoy a bit of peace and quiet (I can hope!!).
Have a great day, everyone.  xx


  1. These days printers are cheaper than the inks that you need for them, although I've stopped falling for the 'low ink' warning these days so this saves me money now. I am currently into over a month of extra printing since I was warned I was running out. It should be easy to install if you just take it slowly and follow the instructions, mine was, although I prefer to use it with a wire rather than 'wireless', it seems more reliable that way.

    I think some of the OFSTED rules and regulations are terrible and are causing the more problems than they are solving. Yes, we need safeguards but there must be a better way to have them in place.

    1. I think it should be OK too and, yes, I run my ink until the print quality goes and it can be ages after the warning comes up. Also, I always use the lowest quality printing and change it up if really necessary.

      Recently, the 'chief inspector' said that 80% of schools welcomed Ofsted inspections. I have never met a teacher who didn't fear and dread OFSTED coming in. There's a big difference between being 'welcoming' (that's only polite) and wanting them there at all.
      I won't go on - I have very strong opinions about OFSTED, mostly negative ones, and that's from someone who was always graded 'outstanding' so it's not personal.

  2. Our day is practising for April - sunshine and showers.
    OFSTED is a dirty word. Childminders have to undergo OFSTED inspections and they're not teachers! It's enough to put anyone off.

    1. It's a very nasty, punitive institution and should be closed forthwith - but it won't be. xx

      We have had some very heavy showers here too. xx

  3. Don't get me started on Ofsted !
    Won't it be nice when we get some consistently dry and sunny weather? We are a bit fed up with very muddy walks now
    Alison in Wales x

    1. < grin > know what you mean! With both your points. xx

  4. OFSTED! I'm resisting the temptation to get on my soap box about them as I'm sure you don't want bad language on your blog! I had the 'pleasure' of being inspected by them once as I was teaching in the school that day so even though I was a peripatetic teacher they expected to treat me as they would any of the substantive teachers. The Head was furious! xx

    1. I am sure there are very nice OFSTED inspectors but, taken collectively as an organisation, I have never heard anyone in active teaching say a good thing about it.

      That was very, very poor, to treat you as one of the full teaching staff. I'm not surprised the head was angry. I bet you were too. xx

  5. I run my ink until it has run out. They have raised the cost of printers here so they are more than the ink. Hugs and healing wishes for Beth.

    1. Thank you, Marjorie.
      The printer has arrived and is now set up. It's made me realise quite how noisy my old one had become. xx

  6. I bought an Epson Eco Tank and very rarely have to add the ink. However I like to have ink on hand and it is darn hard to get the black ink right now. I will be ordering it on Amazon I think.

    God bless.

    1. More and more, I am using Amazon. I can get things that don't appear in the shops. xx

  7. Morning Joy, Rachel here. I buy copy inks for my printer and ignore the you have not bought proper ink messages my angry printer displays! I simply press ok and set it going! I am in charge Mr Pri yer thank you very much. The Ofsted debate rages on. You k ow which side I am on! Of course schools should meet standards but it should be all year round drop in style for book looks and walk round. SATs should be scrapped and the stupid current assessment levels should revert back to the Levels with no pressure that a L3 child at y2 should be expected to get a L5 at end of y6.
    I mean
    What does
    ‘Entering Y4’ even mean???? Stupid, vague set up to fail systems. No wonder teachers are leaving in droves. ( need to get off my soap box hahah )

    1. Hi, Rachel.
      The two times I have used generic inks, they have knackered the printer. The printing quality was so bad and it didn't change, not even with going back to the 'proper' ones.
      However, I gather from the bumph that you can now refill the cartridges and they are accepted so I might try that at some point.
      *FST*D does seem to arouse strong negative feeling everywhere and I'm hardly surprised. All those nit picking expectations and petty requirements have nothing to do with how well the children are taught, nothing whatsoever.
      I'll shut up now. xx
