Friday 24 October 2014


So here we are, last day of a very long half term, waking stupidly early (yet again) and thinking longingly of caffeine to get me through the day.  It was quite a warm night here, I think.  However much I love snuggling under my duvet, I can't sleep when I am hot and I spent quite a lot of last night on, not under, the quilt.

It is SEN day so my planning is all ready for my cover teacher.  Maths, reading, big write and some finishing off.  PE bags have gone home, etc.

It's all go, isn't it?  Now for that coffee.  And I have some veg that needs using up so I may have a go at carrot, sweet potato and lentil soup.  That sounds good.


  1. It does sound good Joy I too have loads of carrots to use up I was thinking carrot and coriander soup.

  2. Have a lovely last-day-of-term, Joy. Yes, I don't like it when the nights are so hot either - can be very uncomfortable.
    Take great care. S. xxxx

  3. Coriander and cumin both go well with carrots, I think but I don't care much for leaf coriander. Soup is such a doddle when one has a Thermione, isn't it?
    Thanks, Sonja. I hope you have a wonderful day too.

    J xxx

  4. How did the last day go? Hope it all went smoothly and well. Now is the weekend before half-term and I bet you are so pleased to be getting a break, albeit a short one. :o)
    Have a lovely weekend.

  5. Last day was fine, thanks. Yes, I'm very much looking forward to having a bit of a break. :-)
    J x
